Why coaching and psychology? What’s the difference?

Nursiana’s vision is to assist people in the exact way it’s requested and needed. We want everyone to have access to the right kind of support for their personal development.

In this regard, Nursiana offers sessions in both psychological counseling and coaching.

In short, a psychologist deals with assessing normal and abnormal mental states in all areas affecting the quality of life in the present, while a coach focuses on discovering and developing personal potential to be cultivated in the future. The psychologist looks into the past, while the coach looks into the future.

Some challenges someone might want to address with a psychologist include anxiety, depression, personality disorders, addictions, issues related to close relationships, trauma, etc. Coaching, on the other hand, concentrates on personal desires and goals, such as weight loss, career advancement, sports or career performance, overcoming public speaking anxiety, or other life situations, improving collaboration and team performance, overcoming imposter syndrome, and more.

More about psychological counseling:

The sessions offered by Psychologist Adelina Pfeiffer combine two crucial elements: personal insights and the complex processes through which these insights help clients transform their ingrained but unwanted behaviors and reactions into authentic, constructive behaviors aligned with the client’s values and nature. A psychologist doesn’t judge. A psychologist seeks to understand and help the client heal past wounds and evolve beyond the impact of these wounds. A psychologist is a keen observer who quickly recognizes behavior patterns and knows how to help clients evolve. The process can last from six months to several years.

Sessions can be done individually or in groups. For support groups, please check Nursiana’s group schedule.

More about coaching: 

  • There are several types of coaching:
  • Life coaching
  • Career coaching
  • Business and executive coaching
  • Team coaching
  • Sports coaching

Nursiana’s coach, Georgiana Levinta, is certified in all types of coaching. The most important detail of coaching is that it forms a partnership between the coach and coachee. The coach supports the coachee in their goals by providing the necessary tools at the right time and helping the coachee in their progress. A coach doesn’t judge or give opinions but provides all the assistance to help the coachee become aware and evolve through their own potential. All achievements belong to the client, not the coach. The coaching process can last from several months to a year. It’s an efficient process focused on specific goals and ambitions defined from the beginning.

Coaching can be individual or in a team. Team coaching is one of the most common types of coaching, and Nursiana’s coach is particularly passionate about this subject.

Nursiana’s Advantage:

By having both practices, therapy and coaching, under the same roof and united by Nursiana’s very clear vision of helping exactly as requested and needed, we ensure that the right service, whatever it may be, can be provided by the Nursiana’s team.

If you want to learn more about coaching or psychological counseling, we invite you to visit our services page, or if you want to schedule a session, don’t hesitate to contact the Nursiana team, who is here to assist you with pleasure.


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