Stages of Group Development – The Tuckman Model

Bruce Tuckman created the model describing the developmental stages of a group in 1965; this model, based on direct observation, is as relevant today as it was when it was created. The theory of group dynamics has not changed for the simple reason that people have fundamentally the same needs as they did 60 years ago, and even hundreds of years ago: to belong to a group and to be recognized for what they can bring to the group.

The five stages of development are: Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning. A team is all the more mature as it progresses from the Forming stage to the Performing stage. But a team can regress to any previous stage under certain conditions.

A note – this article uses the concepts of group and team as equivalent, but it is worth noting that a group is a team if and only if the group has a common purpose, a common project to deliver, a common mission. A study group is not the same as a team that has to deliver a project. But for the maturity stages, both concepts are suitable.

Understanding this maturity pattern is fundamental for leaders. The dynamics of the group is deeply influenced by the stage of maturity in which it finds itself, and the role of the leader is to adapt to the situation. In other words, a leader must become a situational leader and provide the right level of support based on the needs of the team. A team in Forming needs a more directive leader than a team in Performing which needs more of a coach or facilitator. Nursiana’s coach can help leaders and teams with applying this model to their unique context.


The Forming stage lasts at least two months statistically speaking and is characterized by the need of each individual to position themselves relative to their colleagues. In other words, it is a period in which the main feeling is of protection at the individual level “I don’t want to be laughed at” and to understand the competences of those around. Everyone creates a mental map of the group, and the need to be accepted by the group is at an all-time high.

In this context, group members will avoid conflict, healthy or unhealthy, and will need as much structure and clarity as possible.

The leader’s role is to provide direction, mission, the basic structure of group processes, clear expectations of the group and each individual. Additionally, this is the stage where the leader must be comfortable making the most decisions. Because it is not possible to get a constructive debate from the group, decisions (well reasoned) are one of the important functions of the leader.

The sign that the team is ready to move on, to enter the next stage of development, is the presence of conflict. At the same time, it is important to know that a team regresses into the Forming stage whenever a new member enters the team.


The Storming stage occurs when team members begin to express the need to be recognized in a hierarchy of competence. It is a game of power and the need for influence. Once the mental map of each group member has been established, there is a need to be recognized and validated for what they each believe deserves that validation.

Fortunately, at this stage conflict begins to emerge, unfortunately it is usually unconstructive because the individual’s motivation is to “win” the argument, not to present data that addresses the central issue and advance the team’s outcome.

Defensive and offensive behaviors predominate, and the level of emotions is the highest at this stage.

The role of the leader is changing. At this stage a leader must provide a lot of coaching, ensure that enough space is created for each voice to be heard, bring the conversation toward the team’s goals, give feedback, and guide the team toward healthy conflict practices. Because there are so many emotions involved at this stage, it is more important than ever for a leader to be a good listener.

When making decisions, the leader should opt more for a consultative decision-making model, and start delegating from the leadership role to the team members. It is a good stage to start decentralizing leadership responsibilities.

The leader’s goal is to create an atmosphere of respect among team members and to set the rules for healthy conflict. This stage lasts about two months.


At this stage the team explores new ways to work more effectively together. Informal leadership is well established.

Team members begin to feel that they belong to the group, that they are respected for their contributions, and that they are seen and recognized for who they authentically are.

The role of the leader is that of coach and facilitator. The team is able to make good decisions and have constructive conflict, and the leader ensures that the structures necessary for these processes are continuously evolving. Decisions can be made by consent or census at this stage.

The goals are to improve collaboration and to increase the team’s resilience to change. Because the Norming stage comes with a lot of psychological safety, the group becomes attached to how things work and will show resistance to change.


This stage is characterized by interdependence. Team members have empathy for each other, know each other so well that they can anticipate their actions, and are basically like a mechanism that works very well together.

The role of the leader is to maintain this state and prevent groupthink – the tendency of the group to repeat the same patterns of thinking and interaction that affects the ability to debate and innovate.

It happens very rarely that a team reaches this stage and maintaining this flow at the team level is not easy. It is a different skill for a leader to keep a healthy team in a healthy state than to act in moments of crisis.


The Adjourning stage occurs when one or more members are ready to leave the team. If a team has at least reached the Norming stage, Adjourning is quite difficult at an individual level. The role of the leader is to ensure the good closure of the team’s projects and to prepare the team for a new stage of Forming.


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